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Geophilia Education is designed for you as the ultimate tool to elevate your wellbeing in the vital, spiritual, emotional and intellectual level.
Improve your health and resonate with your spirit through the designs of Sacred Geometry Architecture.
Live in the most harmonic design. Let us blend for you ancient temple wisdom with nature symbols and forms – beyond the Flower of Life.

3rd International Congress on Sacred Geometry, Conscious Architecture & Wellbeing, English
A Transformative 2-Day Online Event by Geophilia
16 & 17 November 2024 10:00 – 18:00 CST

The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples by Lydia de Leon
Learn how your mental and spiritual health can be dramatically improved.

Cosmic Design: Linking The Micro, Macro, And The Mesocosm by Arturo Ponce de Leon
A fascinating journey in the integration of architecture with Unified Physics theories through the exploration of the micro, macro, and mesocosmos

La Ciencia Sagrada de los Templos Antiguos por Lydia de Leon
Aprende como tu salud mental y espiritual pueden ser mejoradas dramáticamente.

Diseño Cosmicο: el Vinculo entre el Micro, Macro y Mesocosmos por Arturo Ponce de Leon
Un fascinante viaje en la integración de la arquitectura con las teorÃas de la FÃsica Unificada mediante la exploración del micro, macro y mesocosmos.

La Science Sacrée Des Anciens Temples par Lydia de Leon
Apprends comment ta santé mentale et spirituelle peut être améliorée de manière spectaculaire.